Manifest Anything You Want FAST & On Demand

Using The Proven Source Hacker System + Community So You Can Create Health, Wealth, Love, Happiness And More In 30 Days Or Less --- GUARANTEED (Or Your Money Back).

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Manifest FAST, Whenever You Want

100% Risk Free, Backed With A 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Source Hacker System™

Source Hacker System™ is a proven and tested 30-day implementation program that’s designed to turn you in a master manifestor who can create anything on demand without having to hope or believe to do so.

After having spent $300,000+ on mentors, events, masterminds over the last decade, I’ve distilled down my best information on the art & science of manifesting on demand — that’s how Source Hacking was born.

It’s the same methodology I’ve used with high-end clients that paid me up to $10,000 per VIP day.

It’s my mission to make source hacker the #1 agent of change in the world so that anyone create a life they love like my students and I have.

What You're Going To Discover

We cover everything you need to know to become a Source Hacker in 30 days or less.

A “Source Hacker” is a master creator – someone who has mastered the quantum laws, mental mechanics and physical actions to create a life they love.

Whatever that means to you – health, wealth, love or happiness – by implementing these proven principles & practices over the next 30 days, you can create whatever you want without having to “believe, hope or cross your fingers” that it’ll work.

If it doesn’t, you get your money back. Period.

"Peter Helped Me Turn $4,000 Into $48,000.
The Results Speak For Themselves."

Mikael Dia
Digital Agency Owner

Lifetime Access To My Private Facebook Mastermind Group

You become the average of the 5 people closest to you. Imagine what would happen if you started surrounding yourself with millionaires and overall happy, healthy, wealthy people? 

The answer is simple: you’ll start becoming just like them and you’re going to end up loving the life you create! 

This is truly invaluable.

Lifetime Access To Weekly Q&A Calls With Peter & His Team

The group and the Q&A calls are here so that everyone succeeds and no-one is left behind. 

Whether you have a question, need some coaching or just emotional support, we’re here for you 100% to ensure you have an amazing experience and get even more amazing results

Peter usually charges $1,000+ for an hour of his time, so you’re getting an insane value here – for a lifetime.

"I Built A $100,000+/Yr Business From Scratch
In < 6 Months With Peter's Help"

Silvia Myers
Ex-Corporate Turned Online Entrepreneur

Manifest Anything, Even If You Don't Believe You Can

100% Risk Free, Backed With A 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Bonus #1 - The 7-Figure Agency Formula

Full, unrestricted access to my 7-Figure Agency Formula so you can too build a successful business that can fuel the life, marriage, travels of your dreams.

Bonus #2 - 8X Meditation Technology

Imagine getting an hour worth of meditation in 8 minutes (yes, you read that correctly). 

This allows you to do just that – access deeper states of consciousness and put your “manifestation on steroids” in less time.

"Peter Helped Me Get To +$200,000 Per Month In My Business"

AJ Mihrzad
Multi-millionaire Entrepreneur

Manifest FAST, Whenever You Want

100% Risk Free, Backed With A 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Bonus #3 - Best Biohacking Tools

Collection of my best biohacking tools I’ve used to drop fat fast, achieve superhuman sleep, extreme focus and relieve anxiety.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Sign up for the training, watch the videos, take action and if you’re not 100% satisfied with your results, we’ll refund you every single penny immediately. All we ask you to do is to show us you actually gave it an honest try by submitting your action items. You either get amazing, life changing results or your money back. Period. I’ll even PayPal you an extra $100 on top of your refund as an apology for wasting your time – that’s how confident I’m in Source Hacker – my life’s work.

"I Manifested $30,000 In A Single Week"

Mike Dolev
Online Entrepreneur

Still Not Convinced?

Manifest On Demand Like A Master

100% Risk Free, Backed With A 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Our mission is to help a billion people create lives they LOVE.

Going through life I noticed that humanity experiences a lot of suffering in the world due to outdated paradigms, education systems and self-sabotage. We’re born, we go through life, we form a strong sense of identity and then we may seek more health, wealth, love or happiness but our results can NEVER exceed our perception of self.

That’s why I created the Source Hacker System™ – to empower people with the knowledge and tools so that they can break free from the past and create a life they love and deserve – simply by becoming a 2.0 version of themselves.

Sneak peek into the members area of the Source Hacker System™

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t seem to manifest money, chances are there’s some unconscious conflict coming up. We eradicate any and all unconscious conflict in week two. Plus I cover practical tips on how to make more money for both entrepreneurs and 9-5 people. Look, if what you’re doing isn’t working for you right now, then simply try something different as Eistein said “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different outcome”. Just try Source Hacker for 30 days and if it doesn’t work, we’ll refund your money.
The good news is that there’s nothing wrong with you. Your brain is merely trying to protect you / keep you safe. This is something we cover in the training and it can help you finally let go of these “automatic negative thoughts” and fears that can frankly cripple our lives. I, myself, used to struggle with constant anxiety and thinking “what if X happens, what if Y happens”. Now it’s gone, thanks to the principles I’ll be sharing with you on the inside.
Short answer: NO. Unlike most LoA gurus out there who blame lack of results on lack of beliefs, our system doesn’t require hope or crossing your fingers for it to work. We teach you a proven system that works every time – without having to believe that it would.
No big deal, just show me that you gave it a shot and I’ll help you troubleshoot it so you get the results you came for and you’ll be off laughing. If we still can’t help you get results and/or you’re unhappy for whatever reason, just let us know within 30-days at [email protected] and we’ll issue you a full refund.
Absolutely! I love The Secret, as it got me started, however it didn’t reveal the whole truth. In this training, not only I’ll reveal the “secret behind the secret” but actually show you practical ways on how to implement these principles so you can manifest whatever you want fast and on demand.
Yes! And not only on the quantum level, but we’ll also provide practical, actionable training on how you can start a successful business and/or earn passive income on the side next to your main job. We’ve got you covered, but of course, you must put in the work.
First off, this stuff works. It’s the perfect marriage between spiritual + practical. We give you concrete methods and techniques that you can implement and actually measure and track the results. It’s not some “woo woo”, abstract, intangible information. It’s clear, consise wisdom you can put into action and have real-world proof that it works… plus you don’t have to believe that it’ll work for you – just like you don’t have to hope the light will show up when you turn on the light switch. It simply works. Try it for a full 30-days risk free and see for yourself.
The more you put in, the more you get out, however an hour or two a day is sufficient to make this work.
Yes, we’re running a one-time special offer for $497 USD for the webinar attendees only. In 24 hours, we’ll bring back the price to $3,000.

Manifest Anything, Even If You Don't Believe You Can

100% Risk Free, Backed With A 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Made With ❤️ In Los Angeles, California